Terms of service: Sanctions Lists Search

Effective from: June 1st, 2020.

The Sanctions Lists Search module contains three services:

  • SLS check service – Sanctions lists – manual checking of presence on the sanctions lists,
  • Batch SLS check service – Automatic checking of presence on the  sanctions,
  • Reporting tool – Verification log on sanctions lists.

SLS check service

  1. The Sls check service is used to check whether a person, company or an organization has any sanctions imposed.
  2. The service is available in the form of a web application on the HyperFlow platform and using the API (Webservice REST JSON).
  3. The service is available in three variants: single query, collective query, query from a file.
  4. When the service has the status Active – every fill in of non-empty value in the query form window and pressing the button Search sanctions or Enter, or send correctly technical formulated request by the API (according to the API documentation) is called sending a request. The answer to the request is presented in the form of text information (for WWW Applications) or message in JSON format (for requests sent by the API).
  5. Sending a request may result in a positive response (the entity is on sanctions lists) or negative (the entity is not on sanction lists).
  6. If the credit balance is greater than zero:
    1. single query – each time you send a query, the number of available requests decreases by one,
    2. collective or file query – each time you send a query, the balance of requests decreases by the number of rows sent in the query (checked entities).
  7. The exception for point 6 is to have an active time license (fixed-term access). During an active fixed-term access, the balance of available queries does not decrease.

Batch SLS check service – Automatic verification – Sanctions

  1. The Batch SLS check service enables cyclical, daily checking on demand of a set of entities on sanctions lists.
  2. This service consists in the daily analysis of a set of entities set by the user, whether there are any sanctions imposed.
  3. The service is available in two variants:
  • active automatic analyzes – daily checking of a given set of entities,
  • verification on demand – checking a given set of entities on demand.
  1. When the service has the status Active – analyzes are run in accordance with the configuration entered by the user. Turning on automatic analysis runs the analysis every day at 5.30 in the morning. Analysis on demand results in immediate analysis. In both cases, verification of each entity in a given set reduces the balance of queries by 1.
  2. The analysis result is sent as a report to the e-mail address provided for the given analysis. The results of the analysis and statistics are also available on the service page and in the service history tab.
  3. The exception for point 4 is to have an active time license (fixed-term access). During an active fixed-term access, the balance of available queries does not decrease.

Verification log on sanctions lists

  1. The Verification log panel on sanctions lists contains information on historical queries on sanctions lists.
  2. Verification history allows you to download individual reports (from the last 100 queries) in pdf as well as collective, monthly reports in pdf and csv.
  3. Verification history is available when the Sanctions Lists module has the status “Active”.

Module information

  1. Verification using the module searches:
  • OFAC SDN and Consolidated,
  • United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List ,
  • European Commission Sanctions List.
  1. The service provider ensures daily updating of sanction lists without additional charges.
  2. If there is no technical possibility to download the current version of the list from the source, the module operates based on the most current (last known) list available.
  3. The service is licensed as query packages and billed according to the number of queries carried out as part of the available Balance of queries or licensed with unlimited access for a specified period *.
  4. The service becomes inactive when the number of requests (credit balance) on a given Customer Account is 0 (zero) and when the period of access has expired.
  5. The service provider does not provide the entire sanctions lists (copies to be downloaded) as part of providing this service.
  6. The maximum frequency of sending queries is 5 queries per second.
  7. If the queries are executed more frequently, the service may respond with the error code: “Server busy”.
  8. If you send a request terminated by a Server busy or Server timeout error – the balance of available queries is not reduced. 

* – fixed-term access without requests limit – if there are more than 20,000 queries per month, service will be still active, but for ensure quality of services, the waiting time for response may be extended to 30 seconds.

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