Basic CRM

The Basic CRM is the module, where you can stored data about companies and related persons.
It allows you to store basic data about companies and natural persons in various roles in relation to the enterprise itself, such as:
- members of the representation,
- shareholders,
- actual beneficiaries (UBO),
- politically exposed persons (PEP),
- other – defined as needed.
In the module, you can create a network of connections between entities and the company. The entities may be natural or legal persons.
This reflects the ownership structure of a company – even for very complex ownership structures in holding companies.
The CRM database is the basic data processing module.
It is possible to extend its functionality with supplementary modules, such as GUS import or data quality analysis modules.
Access to the CRM Database module is carried out through our service platform (WWW application) and is billed for the period of use:
– as a temporary subscription (prepaid).
The most important functions of the Basic CRM module:
- Built-in forms for People, Companies and Organizations,
- Built-in data quality control mechanisms,
- Full-text search in the customer and relationship database,
- Data import using API and CSV files,
- Data export using API and CSV files,
- Defining your own forms (option extra charge),
- Extending CRM with new data types (optional extra charge).
Basic CRM module is:
- Data warehousing solution,
- Database providing source for other modules on the Hyperflow Platform,
- Structured document base for storing contact details for companies and individuals,
- Database for storing and processing transactions (transaction register),
- Specialist database for storing financial data (transaction register),
- Database equipped with CRUD, DQA mechanisms, data validators,
- Software for storing relations between entities in the CRM database,
- Software for storing the company’s ownership structure and representation members.